So tommorow work starts up again, that after a good weekend.

On friday Donald came around for dinner, and we had a beer and talked (me, ken and don) before one of the guys I work with came around and we went to a friends house where we played Wii and just chilled out before just checking out town for the last 30 minutes it was open.

Yesterday I continued to read Stieg Larsson, this time the 3rd and last of the series as the 2nd one has apparently gone missing. After dinner me and Ken started a film-marathon which lasted from about 8pm-3am where we watched the last Rambo movie, a film called Sky High, a terrible movie with Jennifer Lopez who is an investigative reporter who goes to Mexico and writes a story that her paper refuse to publish because of the negative effect it would have on NAFTA, it was just terrible... after that we were thinking of quiting but then "Road to perdition" started and we watched it because of the cast: Tom Hanks, Paul Newman and Jude Law.... now that was a good film though! Hanks is brilliant, as always, and the story is pretty good.

Today, I slept in and had breakfast, continued to read Stieg Larsson and was very happy to see that the Rangers beat the Flyers 4-1 at home after scoring 3 PP goals.

TODAY'S SONG: Indestructible by Disturbed
So, another day has passed in the south pacific.

Woke up around 8 and had breakfast outside in shorts and t-shirt before clocking in at work at 9:02. One of the guys from yesterday, Jan (who by the way had the most freaking unbeliveable car accident a few months ago) was missing so it was me and the older lady and another guy... i have no idea what their names are:to me it sounds something like Rangi and blaaaaaah.

But the big event for today was the killing of the pig which started when i got home. Instead of the traditional way to kill it with a knife, Donald shot it in the head and after that ben stabbed a knife into the heart and then we drained it of blood before putting it in hot water and shaving off all the hair. Then it was cut open and yada yada yada about an hour later all the pieces were put into the kitchen and the job was done.

In the evening we had pyttipanna for dinner and then me, ken, ben and donald drank some beers and talked about this and that before everyone returned home. The time is now 10:42 pm and im about to go to bed, but not without finishing "man som hatar kvinnor" by Stieg Larsson. I already know like the mainstory's ending but want to see what happens to Wennerstrom before i turn in. Tommorow is another day in the warehouse and after that its time to bulk up on protein powder because im going registiring for the gym!
After about two weeks in the Cook Islands, where not much has changed since we came here first time 2001, i've today started to work.

First though, let me bring you up to speed. During the first couple of days here I just got settled into the little unit I will be staying in for the next 3 months. There was also of course the usual adjustment to time, heat and humidity (which is probably the cause my laptop broke 3 days ago). After this I have been spending some time with Ken's (<- the guy im staying with) son Donald and his girlfriend.

There has been some surfing, barbeque and just dinners taken place. I've also finished reading a truly great book: Snabba Cash (quick cash for you fools who do not speak swedish). Now i've started the first of three novels by Stieg Larsson and so far I really like it.

I started work today and the mission of the 4 man group we became after I joined have the "mission" to count every single thing that a store called Raromart has in stock, most probably because the business is going to be sold. Today I've counted over 1500 pens, over 200 rolls of toiler paper, 60-70 kid bicycles etcetc all in a damp warehouse where cockroaches, spiders and ants have invaded about every single box. And I would hereby like to invite the guiness world record people, because I nominate the bathroom in this facility to be the nastiest in the world.

There are about 15 different spiders living in the tiny little room, spiderweb all over the place, the toilet and sink are completely rusted and wow, its indescripable (bah, i dont know the real world). Anyway, the people are fun and hopefully we get a radio or something to make the time pass a little faster.

On a positive note though i make $7 NZ which is totally crap and about 3.5 euros but the prices here are fairly low so its ok and I get a free bike with it.

Other notices include that I saw the worlds most badass movie yesterday: Commando from 1985 starring Arnold Scharznegger who delivered badass comments about every 2 lines, i give you some example: (after killing a guy in a plane): dont wake my friend would you, he's dead tired. After killing a green beret guy: we take his car, he wont be needing it. After succesfully rescuing his daughter before the military arrives to help him:
mil. general: did you leave anything for us?
badass: just bodies

It was fun though, a hella of lot more fun than my laptop breaking down. This is probably the worst place in the world it can happen. Its 4.5 hours away from the nearest "real" country (New Zealand) and the internet is so freeeeeeeeeeaking slow that it takes about 2 hours to download a 53 mb driver for the screen. But dell replied with a long list of stuff I should try and hopefully it should work even though I didnt bring any of the driver/windows cd's. yeah yeah, never trust Windows I know... but well it is what it is.

To end on a positive note: you guys turn up your heat to go to sleep, i turn the fan on almost maximum to die of overheating during night! :)


So we went to Las Vegas to film two possible shows, one about some woman working at some fashion-store, the name which I cant spell and then another about a guy opening his own business... (he kinda bought a porsche to his designer who lets his gold-digging girlfriend drive it) and he's having some feud with his wife. It's complicated to put it mildly.

I worked the camera for a couple of hours and also kinda functioned as errand boy before ordering room-service and crashing in bed watching Mario Puzo's "The Godfather".

Today we arrived back in L.A around 4-isch and tonight im just going to chill out, take it easy, relax. Have some dinner, play som PS3 and go to bed. Tommorow I should hopefully be meeting with Gunnnar Nordström which would be awesome.

Went on a one hour cruise around the San Francisco bay area today. Got some good pictures of Alcatraz, SF skyline and of course the Golden Gate bridge. Though in the afternoon I felt like I came down with a fever and have spent most of the time after resting/sleeping. Tomorrow its off to Los Angeles where I'll spend apx 1 week. though I might be heading to Vegas for a day or too. Now its time to try to sleep that fever off. I promise a picture of the golden gate bridge before checking out tommorow (11am pacific, 8pm gmt+1)

So now I've left New York / New Jersey. There I got to watch two Rangers games: @ Devils and vs. Capitals. Now I'm in a Hostel in SF called Green Tortoise... its quite fun although it's a very quick stop.

Yesterday I went down to fisherman's wharf, basically its a small shopping mall and it has connection to all sightseeing stuff and also the boats to Alcatraz. Today I'll go on some round-trip ferry and get some more pictures (which I can upload for now, since the Hostel has free wifi)

Arite people, I've been bad at updating this. But there's just too much going on, and I dont always have access to internet so bear with me. I'll try to improve.

Friday 6/2-09
On friday, Steve and I went to Philly and checked out the Italian market which was quite dead. Not to surprising since it was about -6/7 degrees celsius. I got my first Starbucks coffee for the trip, and also the most important part: I got my first ever cheese-steak, american wit (with onions and not too much cheese). Brilliant lunch, and it made me wonder why the h*ll we dont have it here in Europe.

It took about 3 seconds from ordering to getting the steak and the line of about 12 people were done and got their food in within a minute... beat that McDonalds.

Saturday 7/2-09
Got up a little later than on the friday, around 9-isch. Had some delicious pancakes and coffee for breakfast before playing ping-pong with Steve and his youngest son Joseph. After that, there was a very prestigious Wii-golf competition in which I finished second. Then it was the main-event for the day: ice-skating. It must have been 2 years since I was on ice... it was very woobly at start but gradually improved. It felt great being back on Ice, even if it was in rental skates and with about 80 other people.

Sunday 8/2-09
Well today we went to Ellis island and Libery Island... man Ellis island was great, such an intersting place and very presented as you got to follow the steps of the immigrants with pictures and history. Absolutely great museum, got some really good pictures that I hope to upload within in a foreseeable future.

Tommorow's big event is certainly the Devils - Rangers game in Prudential Center. Can Rangers forget their 10-2 loss against Dallas? Will Devils bounce back from their 1-3 loss to L.A? And will maybe Sean Avery be back in the Rangers jersey?


So, its 8:17 am here in the US right now. A long day of travel was followed by a great dinner, some NHL hockey and a good nights sleep. The plan for the day is to go buy a decent camera and then go in to Philly and just do some sightseeing and of course have a cheese-steak. Then tonight we might go see the Trenton Devils (ECHL) play, we'll see about that.

I'll also have to buy an adapter/converter so that I can use my laptop and upload pictures etc. Well the first update is now officialy up.