Arite people, I've been bad at updating this. But there's just too much going on, and I dont always have access to internet so bear with me. I'll try to improve.
Friday 6/2-09On friday, Steve and I went to Philly and checked out the Italian market which was quite dead. Not to surprising since it was about -6/7 degrees celsius. I got my first Starbucks coffee for the trip, and also the most important part: I got my first ever cheese-steak, american wit (with onions and not too much cheese). Brilliant lunch, and it made me wonder why the h*ll we dont have it here in Europe.
It took about 3 seconds from ordering to getting the steak and the line of about 12 people were done and got their food in within a minute... beat that McDonalds.
Saturday 7/2-09Got up a little later than on the friday, around 9-isch. Had some delicious pancakes and coffee for breakfast before playing ping-pong with Steve and his youngest son Joseph. After that, there was a very prestigious Wii-golf competition in which I finished second. Then it was the main-event for the day:
ice-skating. It must have been 2 years since I was on ice... it was very woobly at start but gradually improved. It felt great being back on Ice, even if it was in rental skates and with about 80 other people.
Sunday 8/2-09Well today we went to Ellis island and Libery Island... man Ellis island was great, such an intersting place and very presented as you got to follow the steps of the immigrants with pictures and history. Absolutely great museum, got some really good pictures that I hope to upload within in a foreseeable future.
Tommorow's big event is certainly the Devils - Rangers game in Prudential Center. Can Rangers forget their 10-2 loss against Dallas? Will Devils bounce back from their 1-3 loss to L.A? And will maybe Sean Avery be back in the Rangers jersey?